Monday, April 2, 2012

APRIL 2012

  • The At the Movies interest group will discuss Temple Grandin (2010) and the documentary Buck (2010) at 7:00pm, Monday, April 2, at the home of the hostess.
  • Our 7:00pm, Tuesday, April 10, general meeting will highlight National Education Month with two speakers: Kerry Peterson, a coach for the Schuler Scholar Program, and Ann Blythe, recipient of the Space Foundation Teacher Liaison award. As always, the general meeting--which will be held at Cook Memorial Library in Libertyville--is open to the public.
  • The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (Rebecca Skloot) will be discussed by the Reflections on Reading interest group at 7:00pm, Thursday, April 12, at the home of the hostess.

AAUW District 5

Educational Opportunities Scholars Brunch

Lambs Farm, Libertyville

11:00am, Saturday, April 14

$15 includes brunch

Questions? email

  • England, Scotland, & Wales will be featured at the 7:00pm, Tuesday, April 24, meeting of the Travelogue interest group at the home of the hostess.
  • The branch board will meet at 7:00pm, Thursday, April 26, at the home of the hostess.


AAUW Action Fund Event

11:00am - 5:00pm, Friday, April 27

Itasca Holiday Inn

No fee...boxed lunch included

Questions? email

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The AAUW Impact

AAUW Illinois, Inc., 88th Annual Convention

Friday & Saturday, April 27 & 28

Itasca Holiday Inn

Details? Go to AAUW Illinois website