SEPTEMBER 7, 2013, 9:30am, Gurnee Police Facility Community Room, National History Teacher of the year Joshua Bill talks about "Bringing Our Fallen Heroes into the Classroom"
OCTOBER 8, 2013, 7:00pm, Gurnee Police Facility, Cyndee Schaffer. author of "Mollie's War"
NOVEMBER 5, 2013, 7:00pm, Gurnee Police Facility, Paddy Lynn presents "The Belle of Amherst"
DECEMBER 7,2013, 11:00am, Saddle Ridge Restaurant (Waukegan), Winter Luncheon & Silent Auction
FEBRUARY 11, 2014, 7:00pm, Gurnee Police Facility, Ty Rohrer presents "Influential Women of Waukegan's Past"
MARCH 11, 2014, 7:00pm, Gurnee Police Facility, Sally Foster presents "Child & Elder Abuse"
APRIL 12, 2014, 11:00am, Lambs Farm (Libertyville), AAUW Scholars Brunch
MAY 12, 2014, 7:00pm, Gurnee Police Facility, Meg Goljenboom presents "Have Courage, Work Hard"
JUNE 10, 2014, 11:00am, Midlane Country Club (Wadsworth), Summer Luncheon & Silent Auction
More important AAUW dates:
OCTOBER 26, 2013...Districts 4&5 Fall Conference...Oakton Community College
JANUARY 18, 2014...Dictrict 5 Networking Luncheon...Embassy Suites, Deerfield
MAY 2-3, 2014...AAUW-IL Convention...Pheasant Run, St. Charles Please check monthly for information on branch interest group and