Tuesday, September 24, 2013

WAB 2013-2014

Mark your calendar for Waukegan Area Branch AAUW general meetings, always open to the public.

SEPTEMBER 7, 2013, 9:30am, Gurnee Police Facility Community Room, National History Teacher of the year Joshua Bill talks about "Bringing Our Fallen Heroes into the Classroom"

OCTOBER 8, 2013, 7:00pm, Gurnee Police Facility, Cyndee Schaffer. author of "Mollie's War"

NOVEMBER 5, 2013, 7:00pm, Gurnee Police Facility, Paddy Lynn presents "The Belle of Amherst"

DECEMBER 7,2013, 11:00am, Saddle Ridge Restaurant (Waukegan), Winter Luncheon & Silent Auction

FEBRUARY 11, 2014, 7:00pm, Gurnee Police Facility, Ty Rohrer presents "Influential Women of Waukegan's Past"

MARCH 11, 2014, 7:00pm, Gurnee Police Facility, Sally Foster presents "Child & Elder Abuse"

APRIL 12, 2014, 11:00am, Lambs Farm (Libertyville), AAUW Scholars Brunch

MAY 12, 2014, 7:00pm, Gurnee Police Facility, Meg Goljenboom presents "Have Courage, Work Hard"

JUNE 10, 2014, 11:00am, Midlane Country Club (Wadsworth), Summer Luncheon & Silent Auction

More important AAUW dates:

OCTOBER 26, 2013...Districts 4&5 Fall Conference...Oakton Community College

JANUARY 18, 2014...Dictrict 5 Networking Luncheon...Embassy Suites, Deerfield

MAY 2-3, 2014...AAUW-IL Convention...Pheasant Run, St. Charles Please check monthly for information on branch interest group and board meetings.

Sunday, September 1, 2013


  • The Reflections on Reading interest group will meet at 7pm, Thursday, September 5, to discuss Nothing Daunted: The Unexpected Education of Two Society Girls in the West by Dorothy Wickenden.  After the discussion, book choices for October through June will be made.

  • Waukegan High School history teach Joshua Bill, 2012 winner of the National History Teacher of the Year Award, will speak at the branch general meeting at 9:30am, Saturday, September 7, at the Gurnee Police Facility (Washington Street & O'Plaine Road).  As usual, this meeting is open to the public.  It is also a potluck brunch, so bring your appetite!

  • The At the Movies interest group will discuss two documentary films - Top Secret Rosies (2010) and Bill Cunningham New York (2010) - on Monday, September 9, at 7pm.

  • Monday, September 19, 1pm, will see the kick-off of the Book Review interest group.

  • The Philippines will be the topic of the Travelogue interest group when it meets at 7pm, Tuesday, September 24.

  • The branch board will meet at 7pm, Thursday, September 26.