Monday, April 1, 2013

APRIL 2013

  • The Dancer Upstairs (2002) is the next film to be discussed by the At the Movies interest group, which will meet at 7pm, Monday, April 1.
Candidate Forum
Waukegan Unit School District Board Candidates
7pm, Wednesday, April 3
Juarez Middle School
201 N. Butrick Street, Waukegan
  • The Reflections on Reading interest group will discuss State of Wonder by Ann Patchett at 7pm, Thursday, April 4.
Candidate Forum
Waukegan Mayor, City Clerk, & Treasurer Candidates
2pm, Saturday, April 6
Park Place
414 S. Lewis Avenue, Waukegan
T U E S D A Y,   A P R I L  9
  • The Waukegan Area Branch general meeting this month will be the AAUW-IL District 5 Education Opportunities Fund Scholars Brunch at 11am, Saturday, April 13, at Lambs Farm, Libertyville.  Recipients of grants and fellowships will explain the work they are doing thanks to funding from AAUW.
Branch EOF Fundraiser
Lone Star Steak House
Gurnee Mills
April 14-21
  • The Book Review interest group will meet at 1pm, Thursday, April 18.
  • Glacier National Park will be the topic of discussion at the Travelogue interest group meeting, 7pm, Tuesday, April 23.
Forum on Wrongful Convictions "Women's Project"
3:30pm, Sunday, April 28
Lake Forest College
Lily Reid Holt Memorial Chapel, Lake Forest