Saturday, May 11, 2019

MAY 2019

  • The Reflections on Reading interest discusses Radium Girls by Kate Moore at its 1pm, Thursday, May 2, meeting.

WAB members with
AAUW CEO Kimberly Churches
at the AAUW-IL convention
in Springfield
May 3
  • The At the Movies interest group discusses Concussion (2015) at its 1pm, Monday, May 6 meeting.
  • Plan to come to the WAB general meeting, 7pm, Tuesday, May 14, at the Gurnee Police Facility community room.  You'll hear board-certified music therapist Mary Helen Ekstam talk about "How Music Can Change Your Brain."  This meeting is open to the public.
Wednesday, May 15
  • The branch board will meet at 7pm, Thursday, May 23.


Sunday, May 5, 2019

AAUW-IL Convention (Saturday)

This year's convention had outstanding speakers
with relevant topics.
Betsy Dirksen Londrigan
"A Meaningful Campaign"
Dr. Zoe Spencer
"I Am Worth More"
Jenny Purdue
Legislative Update
Deanie Brown
"Title IX Updates"
Dr. Natasha Casey
"Media & Information Literacy"

AAUW-IL Convention (Friday)

The AAUW Illinois, Inc., annual convention was held in Springfield May 3 & 4.
Waukegan Area Branch members
posed with the state president.

gave an inspiring presentation.

Kim Churches