Monday, February 1, 2021



  • The Reflections on Reading interest group will meet via Zoom on Wednesday, February 3, at 1pm.  Susan Orlean's book The Library Book - the story of the 1986 Los Angeles Public Library fire as well as a chronicle of libraries and books through the ages - will be discussed.
  • The film Harriet will be discussed by the At the Movies interest group at 1pm, Monday, February 8, via Zoom. 
  • Our speaker for our Tuesday, February 9, 7pm Zoom general meeting will be Rita Mayfield, who has represented District 60 in the Illinois House of Representatives since 2010 and who is currently a WAB member.  Mayfield can provide insight into current legislation, the transition to a new Speaker of the House, and other hot topics. 
  • The branch board will have a Zoom meeting at 7pm, on Thursday, February 25