Thursday, September 2, 2010


Here we go again...another wonderful world of AAUW!

  • The Help, by Kathryn Stockett, will be discussed by the Reflections on Reading interest group at the home of the hostess, 7pm, Thursday, September 2.

  • The 2003 French film The Butterfly, starring Michel Serrault and Claire Bouanich, will be discussed by the At the Movies interest group, 7pm, Tuesday, September 7, at the home of the hostess.

  • Come celebrate the 150th anniversary of Jane Addams birth at Daley Plaza in downtown Chicago at noon, Wednesday, September 8. This birthday party is sponsored by the mayor's Office of Special Events.

  • Barbara Joan Zeitz will talk about Gender in the Courts at the branch general meeting, 9:30am, Saturday, September 11, at the Gurnee Police Facility. This potluck brunch event is open to the public.

  • The branch board will meet at 7pm, Thursday, September 23, at the home of the hostess.

  • A presentation on Egypt will be given at the Travelogue interest group meeting, 7pm, Tuesday, September 28, at the home of the hostess.

  • The Exploring Culture interest group will visit the Geneva Lake Museum of History (Lake Geneva, Wisconsin) on Thursday, September 30.

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